⼟曜⽇・⽇曜⽇のみオープン 12:00-19:00
三輪美津子/ Mitsuko Miwa
(1958年名古屋生まれ / 名古屋を拠点に制作活動を行う)
1981年に愛知県立芸術大学デザイン科を卒業。1996–1997年にフィリップ・モリス財団の奨学金を受けてベルリンに滞在し、1998年にはスウェーデンの芸術交流プログラム・IASPISのゲスト・アーティストとしてストックホルムに滞在し、海外での制作活動も行った。遠くから見ると写真のような緻密さと繊細さを感じさせつつも、近くで見ると筆跡を感じさせる重厚さのあるタッチの作品は、写真などを介したイメージと絵画の問題を投げかけているようでもある。主な個展に、1999年「CHARLIE in TEXAS」IASPIS(ストックホルム、スウェーデン)、1997年「Kalte FuBe」Kunstlerhaus Bethanien(ベルリン、ドイツ)、主なグループ展に、1989年「現代美術への視点一色彩とモノクローム」東京国立近代美術館(東京)、京都国立近代美術館(京都)、2005年「椿会展2005」資生堂ギャラリー(東京)、2007年「Vanishing Point 日本の現代美術」ニューデリー国立近代美術館、Project 88(ムンバイ、インド)、2010年「プライマリー・フィールドⅡ:絵画の現在一七つの〈場〉との対話」神奈川県立近代美術館(神奈川)、2022年「あいち2022」(愛知)がある。
展覧会/ 作品についての問い合わせ
Based in Aichi Prefecture, Mitsuko Miwa has since her early years developed her own painterly practice through diverse stylistic transitions. From 1996 to 1997, she stayed in Berlin as a recipient of the Philip Morris Foundation scholarship. In the following year, she was selected as a guest artist for the artistic exchange program IASPIS in Stockholm. Her work has been included in museum group exhibitions, such as “Vanishing Point - Contemporary Art from Japan,” which toured New Delhi and Mumbai in 2007, and the international art festival “Aichi Triennale 2022” among others.
I tend to change my style with every exhibition and create my work with no consistent theme, with the exception of this numeral series, to which I come back from time to time using the same motif, though the materials and methods vary.
From the early days of my career, the concept of ‘abstraction’ in the context of painting never sat right with me, and there was a time where I couldn’t get into anything that was so-called abstract expressionist.
For example, the forms drawn by the human hand go on to become something, even if it is unconsciously so. Then, the question is: What is that something?
I could not help but think that this was moving in the direction of an ‘image’—an impure abstraction.
With this, I came to the conclusion that the most abstract things in the world are numerals, and thus I began this series.
I use Arabic numerals, which originated in India and are now used all over the world, but it was not very long ago that they became ubiquitous. Usage began in the West during the 16th century, and Japan even later, in the Meiji era.
This revolutionary and useful calculation tool must have transformed the world.
Despite being an abstract concept in themselves, numerals are the standard of measurement for this very universe, be it time, space, or mass, and have become indispensable for the common understanding of economic activities in modern society. There is no doubt that it has explosively expanded the realms of human thought and imagination.
It can be said that this figure, which contains both abstraction and pragmatism, is a state of coexistence of fiction and non-fiction. No other curious entity can be found with both the contradiction and rationality to create time and space that extends to the creation of the universe and plays with humankind to the point of madness.
And above all, I find these abstract forms concretely 'beautiful!'
This exhibition includes a work I produced in 1988 using Japanese ink, depicting an afterimage of numerals falling down slowly.
The work from 1988 uses the year of a genius novelist's birth.
Sharing its title with the exhibition, A little fall is a series of monotype prints from 2013, where the act of creation itself is the work.
Lastly, Heavy Book, whose content is the ‘weight’ itself, is a work under experimental observation of chemical changes.
The cover of this ‘book' is painted with a fresco technique and may be able to last more than a millennium.
Mitsuko Miwa